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But wait, there's more.

There's just no polite way to say "Buy me things", is there?

Join codebastards, I dare you. Remember, codebastards are us.

I'm baded and jitter. So are these people. (And why not follow the previous, next, or random links?)

Need a band name?

Doug vs. Japanese Snack Foods: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

rant is where the heart is

diaryland: entry for 2002-01-10 (08:57:00)
In which our plucky young hero misses someone who'll never read this.

My life lately consists of thinking "And I'll never see that person again" over and over and over.

At least I get the "again".

(Browse: previous or next. Notes: post or read.) | sirilyan dotcom
anything said in lowercase sounds profound. say it to me.

[fiendish tracking device]