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But wait, there's more.

There's just no polite way to say "Buy me things", is there?

Join codebastards, I dare you. Remember, codebastards are us.

I'm baded and jitter. So are these people. (And why not follow the previous, next, or random links?)

Need a band name?

Doug vs. Japanese Snack Foods: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

rant is where the heart is

diaryland: entry for 2001-10-03 (11:28:00)
In which our plucky young hero is. Just. Plain. Tired.

How tired am I of net-related things that don't work at all? Things that I am paying for out of my own pocket?

Oh, about thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis tired.

Kids, your plucky young hero thinks he may just give up and try to get a job flipping burgers. A burger won't suddenly disappear from your grill while you're trying to fry it. A burger won't get bought up by a larger monolith in the middle of putting ketchup on it.

I'm not kidding here.

Wake me when things just goddamn well work the way I pay for them to work, okay?

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anything said in lowercase sounds profound. say it to me.

[fiendish tracking device]