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There's just no polite way to say "Buy me things", is there?

Join codebastards, I dare you. Remember, codebastards are us.

I'm baded and jitter. So are these people. (And why not follow the previous, next, or random links?)

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Doug vs. Japanese Snack Foods: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

rant is where the heart is

diaryland: entry for 2003-06-06 (23:00)
In which our plucky young hero did the Fosse hand thing, too.

Last night I had a dream where I was improvising. I have been having a lot of improv dreams lately, almost certainly because of the festival which was just excellent in case I haven't mentioned it. In this particular dream, I am doing my part in an improvised musical, like I'm part of the touring company of Baby Wants Candy. Tonight's musical is about a world where boys wear fake dog ears on their heads, while girls wear fake cat ears on their heads.

I think that my character in this musical was a mad scientist. At least, that's the only thing I can think of to explain how the song (and yeah, I wish I'd written down some lyrics) was about my discovery that just by putting the other type of ears on a person, you could change their sex.

There's some sort of porn flick in there, I'm sure.

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anything said in lowercase sounds profound. say it to me.

[fiendish tracking device]